Listed below you will find a simple alphabetical list of key terms used in RORO shipping. If come across a RORO term, you don’t understand and can’t find it below, please let us know via the Contact page.
Industry Term | Simple Definition |
B/L | Bill of Lading – this is the document which describes the cargo, who owns it, it orgin and destination. No cargo can be carried on an NYK vessel without a B/L. |
POL | Port of Loading – the port where the cargo is loaded onto our vessel. |
POD | Port of Discharge – the port where the cargo is taken off our vessel. |
RORO | Roll On Roll Off – the term used to describe cargo which can be rolled onto and off our vessels without the need for a ship’s onboard crane or one in the port. |
H&H | High and Heavy, referring to cargo which requires movable deck to be stored and is beyond the standard dimensions of a standard saloon car. |
LIM | Lanes In Metres, a measurement of vessel capacity which takes into consideration, the cargo deck length, the number of vehicle decks and the number of lanes on each deck. |
PCC | Pure Car Carrier, vessel build specifically to transport cars with a standard 1.8m high deck height and loading ramps to drive / roll cargo onboard without the use of cranes. |
PCTC | Pure Car / Truck Carrier, modern development of the pure car carrier with movable decks to accommodate variable sized cargo such as larger Sports Utility Vehicles (SUVs) trucks and machinery. |
RT | from RT43, a 1966 Toyota Corolla, the first mass produced car to be shipped in specialised car-carriers and used as the basis of RORO vessel size. 1 RT is approximately 4m of lane space required to store a 1.5m wide Toyota Corolla. |